Grade 1 at B.D. Somani

At B.D. Somani, we redefine the transition from Kindergarten to Primary School, prioritising a seamless shift centred on vigour, wonder, and play-based learning. Our commitment to maintaining a sense of community persisted during the pandemic, and as we returned to in-person learning, our focus has been on building social skills and enhancing literacy and numeric proficiency through interactive classroom experiences.

Daily Routine and Learning Approach:

Our day begins with Circle Time, setting the agenda based on students’ interests. Daily journals foster a love for writing and sharing experiences, building a sense of group bonding. Collaborative activities, such as sharing homework and silent reading, encourage peer-to-peer interaction and creative expression.
Our innovative thinking routines involve making students’ thinking visible, prompting observation and analysis through questions. Organisers like KWL charts help students systematically organise their ideas, fostering a deeper understanding of topics.

Block Building

Block building is a cornerstone of our learning approach, evolving from imaginative structures to realistic ones. Frequent field trips to chosen community sites enhance understanding and inform students’ structures. The process involves hands-on research skills as students explore, question, and observe real-world structures, translating them into representative forms within the classroom.

Students spend at least an hour on block building, adding elements, conducting research, and visiting each other’s buildings in the format of dramatic play. In Grade 1, the communities they build may take up to a month to fully develop. They sometimes add electrical circuits to their structures or use pulleys to build elevators. The bank may also dispense miniature money to be used in play.

Mathematics Curriculum:

Number Talks form an integral part of our math curriculum, emphasising multiple problem-solving approaches. Students engage in Math Routines, visualising patterns and relationships between numbers. Our goal is to instil confidence in problem-solving, encouraging creativity and collaboration.
Some student favourites in Math Routines are – What Do You See, How Many Can You Count, and What Patterns Emerge. Blank Hundreds Charts enable students to visualise and discover numerical patterns and the relationships between numbers. Sometimes, students are separated into two groups, and each child participates and is given a chance to justify their answer using various approaches.

Language and Literacy:

Our first-graders spend considerable time honing their writing skills. Using mental maps and graphic organisers, they plan, draft, edit, and share their work. Regular sessions in Hindi, Marathi, Art, IT, PE, Theatre, Music, and Capoeira contribute to a well-rounded linguistic and artistic development.
Specialist teachers guide our students in Hindi and Marathi with an approach consistent across languages, emphasising grammar and literacy. Their work is proudly displayed in our classrooms, showcasing the linguistic achievements of our students.

Our Reading Program:

The reading program is designed to foster a love for literature and enhance students’ language skills through various engaging activities.
Our teachers read aloud to students on a daily basis, exposing them to a variety of new words they slowly incorporate into their vocabulary. Read-alouds also provide a model of fluent, expressive reading that students can aspire to follow. After every reading, students are encouraged to share their thoughts, ideas and interpretations with each other.
Our Literature Circles encourage students to become critical thinkers, develop personal responses to text and engage with their peers’ interpretations of texts.
Through the collaborative approach of the Buddy Reading program, students receive one-to-one support, and they get to witness proficient readers in action, creating a lively and encouraging atmosphere where their reading skills can thrive.

Post-Pandemic Transition:

The challenges posed by the pandemic disrupted learning for many students globally. At B.D. Somani, we acknowledge the hard work of our teachers in bridging the gaps. The current batch of students appears more excited and receptive, showing resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.
Classroom routines and extracurricular activities remain largely consistent. Efforts are made to maintain stability, especially for older kids, even after the return from the pandemic.
While the main topics remain consistent, the presentation of concepts incorporates different learning objectives. An example is the study of weather patterns, moving to a concept-based approach and understanding patterns for prediction.
The literacy curriculum has become more detailed and specific, with a heightened emphasis on grammar using an inquiry based approach. Addressing gaps facilitates a smoother transition between grades.
We use Havard Project Zero’s VisibleThinking routines that involve making students’ thinking visible and asking questions to prompt observation and analysis. Organisers like KWL charts help students systematically organise their ideas, fostering a deeper understanding of topics.
The use of technological devices in the classroom is limited. A balance between digital and physical learning is maintained, avoiding over-reliance on digital tools. Alternative research methods beyond online searches are encouraged.
A small student-to-teacher ratio allows for individualised attention. Various groupings (pairs, small groups, big groups) ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to learn at their own level. The benefit of having two teachers allows for better rotation and attention.
Addressing conflicts is personalised, considering the specific problem and individuals involved. Our focus is on listening to each child’s perspective, helping them understand right from wrong, and resolving issues in a supportive manner.
At B.D. Somani, we are dedicated to nurturing a sense of wonder, curiosity, and holistic development in our students. As they progress from Grade 1, they carry with them not just academic knowledge but essential life skills, including time management, self-control, and a commitment to engaging with the broader society. Our approach ensures that every child receives individualised attention, setting the foundation for a lifetime of learning and growth.
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