Grade 12 World Languages Group 2/Group 4 collaboration

In an attempt to relive the experience of the mangrove clean up in Colaba organised by the World Languages department and Acropolis and also to continue to learn from it, the grade 12 French B class invited Ms Anjana to discuss the importance of preserving these mangroves and their impact on our ecosystem. Students also reflected on the importance of their roles as global citizens.

Students’ reflections

“The French class with Ms Anjana was very exciting and interesting. It was fascinating to learn about the environment and biology in our French class. It made me realise how closely related all our subjects are. We spoke about the trophic levels of an ecosystem while translating everything we learnt in French. This class helped me expand my knowledge on our ecosystem as well as French. This information and vocabulary will help me during my French orals and other assignments as I can talk about the different global issues. Furthermore, last year went for a mangrove clean up with school. We discussed this clean up in our class and related it to global issues such as pollution and the increase in human population taking over nature. Moreover, I learnt about the importance of mangroves as they are an important source of oxygen in Mumbai and they help protect us from floods. This information was very helpful. I am a global citizen as I take an active role in my community and enjoy working with others to make the planet a better place. For example, I often volunteer for beach clean ups to clean the litter and help save the animals and environment. Animals get affected by human activities and I believe that it’s our role to clean up our mess. I also spread awareness about saving our planet through social media.

La classe de français avec Mme Anjana était très excitante et intéressante. C’était fascinant d’apprendre sur l’environnement et la biologie dans notre classe de Français. Cela m’a fait réaliser à quel point tous nos sujets sont étroitement liés. Nous avons parlé des niveaux trophiques d’un écosystème tout en traduisant tout ce que nous avons appris en français. Cette classe m’a aidé à développer mes connaissances sur notre écosystème ainsi qu’en français. Cette information et ce vocabulaire m’aideront pendant mes oraux de français et d’autres missions, car je peux parler des différents enjeux mondiaux.”

Group 2 - 16th November 2019 clean up

I recently attended a beach clean-up drive at Juhu Beach and picking up the metal cans and plastic food wrappers from the seashore reminded me that people around the world are facing the challenge of environmental degradation. The model global citizen is concerned with a multitude of environmental issues like climate change and waste accumulation. Thus, partaking in activities that help mitigate and adapt to these issues, even if it is on a small scale, makes me a global citizen.

I also became aware of the various links between different parts of the global society and how they are connected by the common issue of plastic pollution in oceans. This problem occurs worldwide,and attempting to reduce garbage at beaches induces the responsibility of a global citizen, like myself, to make the change they want to see in the world. So, who is a global citizen? According to me, global citizenship arises from embracing global diversity and taking action to promote sustainability along with the responsibility to act for change. Thus, protecting the environment is a catalyst for becoming a global citizen in the modern world.”

J'ai également compris les liens entre les différentes parties de la société mondiale. Ils sont liés par le problème de la pollution plastique des océans. Ce problème se pose dans le monde entier, et il incombe aux citoyens du monde entier de réduire les déchets sur les plages afin d'apporter le changement qu'ils souhaitent voir dans le monde. Qui est un citoyen du monde? Selon moi, être citoyenne du monde signifie embrasser la diversité mondiale et prendre des mesures pour promouvoir la durabilité. Ainsi, la protection de l'environnement est un moyen de devenir un citoyen mondial dans le monde moderne.”

“First, I'd like to thank you for such an insightful session! I enjoyed how we linked CAS, Biology, French and our climate all in 50 minutes. Today's session was a reality check as I realised that I will soon be an IB graduate. Having had the opportunity of an international education, I recognise my responsibility to channel what I learn into actions that benefit society. Reflecting on the question posed "Am I a global citizen?", I'd first define who a global citizen is. In my opinion, it is someone who inculcates the characteristics described by the IB Learner Profile. Senser, communicatif, ouverts d'esprit (thinkers, communicators, open minded); these are three of the twelve values that propel us to help our community.

For example, the Mangrove Cleanup organised by the World Languages’ Department and the CAS Coordinator serves as a good example of how we proved ourselves as global citizens. There, we were principled and risk takers by picking up the waste ourselves. We also communicated with the local organization and inquired more about why so much waste landed there. Learning more about the micro ecosystems of fish and birds that live in mangroves today, as well as the macro ones in context to the city and it's infrastructure helped me critically analyse these links too. By this effect, I can say that I am a global citizen as I am aware about my responsibility to give back to society and care for its needs too.” 

“La session entre Mme Anjana et les classes de Français B aujourd'hui était très pertinente. Une question a été posée "êtes-vous un citoyen global?" - cela m'a fait réfléchir et me demander à sois-même qu'est ce qu'un citoyen du monde?

D'après moi, c’ est quelqu'un qui reflète le Profil de l'Apprenant IB. C'est-à-dire, quelqu'un qui est chercheur, sensé, communicatif, ouvert d'esprit et altruiste. J'ai vu ces valeurs clairement pendant notre nettoyage des mangroves près de notre école. Là-bas, nous avons été audacieux et intègres quand nous avons pris conscience et nettoyé les déchets nous-mêmes. Nous étions également des enquêteurs et des communicateurs lorsque nous avons parlé avec des activistes pour comprendre pourquoi les gens polluent. Pour souligner, nous avons été des citoyens du monde. N'oubliez pas que nous avons une responsabilité envers notre communauté, pour la changer en mieux. Ainsi, en participant à des activités qui profitent à la communauté, nous nous tournons vers le monde."

This post has been authored by our Grade 12 French B Class
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