Reflection on IB Core Collaboration

On the 19th of April 2022, grade 11 highlighted the importance of the core of the IBDP curriculum. Our exhibition consisted of a TOK exhibition, a CAS showcase, and an EE Café.
It was a culmination of months of research, experiences, and activities. After having worked tirelessly for the TOK exhibition, we were given an opportunity to employ our critical thinking and communication skills in order to convey to our fellow students, parents, and teachers our ability to reflect on “how we know what we know.” Lively discussions and intriguing discussions led not only to the loss of our voices but also to our enrichment and a broadening of perspectives.
For the EE Café, we showcased our interests in fields related to the wide range of IBDP subjects and we explained our research question (although tentative) and what we hope to achieve in the upcoming months. As the extended essay is a rigorous project to undertake, the guidance, suggestions, and questions that were shared with us today are going to be vital when the document actually starts to crystallize.
CAS is another vital part of the IB experience and today, we displayed the results of our efforts over the past few months and how we have grown by immersing ourselves in our community.
Overall, it was a wonderfully enriching experience and everyone involved had a great time!
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