A Deep Dive into Scientific Education at BDSIS

At B.D. Somani International School, the pursuit of scientific knowledge isn’t confined to the pages of a textbook. We curate a dynamic journey for our students – one that begins early, cultivating curiosity, and laying a robust foundation for a lifelong love of learning. Here’s how we are shaping the scientific minds of tomorrow.

Nurturing Scientific Minds from the Beginning

We place a premium on cultivating scientific thinking from a young age. The focus in the early years revolves around curiosity, observation, and critical thinking. For example, as part of the early years’ curriculum, we organise a classroom activity where students use candy to understand how rocks are formed over the years. After a soak in water, the candies changed shape, demonstrating how water slowly erodes rocks in nature over time. In this way, science is presented to them as a fun experience, rather than an intimidating and mysterious pursuit. Students are also introduced to science laboratory equipment, engaging in more complex hands-on experiments that form the bedrock of a strong foundation in scientific inquiry.

Strategies and Programs in Secondary Years

As students progress into middle and high school, we ramp up our efforts to actively develop scientific knowledge and skills. In-depth experiments challenge students to apply and refine their scientific prowess. Exposure to different laboratory techniques provides invaluable hands-on learning experiences. Group projects become a focal point in grades 8, 9, and 11. These projects go beyond academic exercises; they’re thematic explorations into real-world problems. Themes like ‘water’, ‘agriculture’, and ’21st-century machines’ guide students as they analyse global concerns using scientific methods.

The Focus on Field Trips

Field trips aren’t mere outings; they’re gateways to experiential learning. By linking theoretical concepts to real-world applications, our teachers ensure that students understand the practical implications of scientific principles. The emphasis on scientific terminologies from the outset promotes literacy and readies students for future academic triumphs and diverse career opportunities. Field trips offer unique opportunities for students to interact with the scientific community and deepen their understanding through real-world experiences. In 2023, Students from grades 7 and 9 went on an enlightening journey to the Nehru Science Centre in Mumbai, India’s largest interactive Science Centre. In groups, they ventured into the different galleries where an impressive array of static and working models illustrated various scientific concepts. They actively engaged with the exhibits, uncovering the underlying scientific principles and gaining insights into real-world applications. This experience gave them a tangible connection between classroom theories and practical phenomena. Other field trips to institutions like Sanjay Gandhi National Park and TIFR are also organised on a regular basis.

Translating Scientific Education into Academic Success and Career Advancement

At BDSIS, we ensure that scientific education is not a standalone endeavour but a catalyst for academic success and career advancement. As students develop their scientific skills, they gain confidence, which is reflected in their academic performance.


For example, in the recent past, Grade 11 Biology students, in collaboration with the Design and Technology team, skillfully crafted a life-size DNA model. Applying their understanding of structures and processes learned in biology class, they successfully constructed and demonstrated the entire replication process, incorporating numerous abstract and complex steps with remarkable ease.


In the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), students align subject choices with their career aspirations. Whether it’s pursuing a career in engineering or architecture, the foundational scientific inquiry skills acquired at BDSIS play a pivotal role.


The school takes students beyond the classroom, exposing them to real-world scenarios through extended essays, internal assessments, and group projects. Research opportunities, science fairs, and mentorship programs allow students to apply their scientific knowledge in practical settings, strengthening college applications and paving the way for future success.

Real-World Application of Scientific Thinking

The proof of BDSIS’s success lies in the real-world applications of scientific thinking by its students. Interdisciplinary collaborations, CAS activities, and various projects provide avenues for applying acquired skills. Students engage in addressing ethical considerations in biological research, discussing real-world problems, and making a tangible impact through initiatives like posters on quitting smoking and environmental concerns. Extended essays delve into impactful themes like the impact of storage conditions on vitamin C or investigating the geometrical shape of outer rim covers for a turbojet engine. The real-world application of these projects becomes evident as students pursue higher education and enter the workforce, equipped with a solid foundation for future success.

Fostering Passion for Scientific Inquiry

To foster a genuine passion for scientific inquiry, we create an environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and hands-on learning. Science projects, extended essays, and internal assessments allow students to explore personally interesting science-related topics, cultivating a deep enthusiasm for scientific exploration.


Our school’s science club, various science field trips, and guest speaker sessions with experts further enrich the learning experience. By encouraging student-centric scientific learning and providing opportunities for international-level scientific competitions, BDSIS ensures that students not only grasp scientific concepts but also develop a genuine love for the subject.

A Lifelong Journey of Curiosity and Exploration

From the early years to secondary education, students are equipped not just with knowledge but with the skills and curiosity needed for a successful academic journey and future career endeavours. In the hallways of BDSIS, we propel students towards a future where they don’t just navigate complex topics but actively contribute to the ever-evolving world of science. The BDSIS journey is one where curiosity knows no bounds, and the pursuit of knowledge becomes a thrilling adventure.
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