Grade 3 at B.D. Somani

Grade 3 is serious business at B.D. Somani. Keeping concept-based inquiry at the heart of our approach, Grade 3 is all about introducing students to topics and issues within a flexible structure that they will adapt to as they go forward. We focus on making their learning, thinking, and progress visible to them, using discussion protocols and reflection strategies after the introduction of every new concept or topic. In this way, children learn to approach new information in a systemic and open-ended way that aids their learning and generates questions and possibilities for further exploration. 

We also place great emphasis on peer-to-peer exchange of ideas and make sure to document the learning process meticulously. We also make sure to have an informed approach to our teaching. For example, student responses and feedback help us shape our teaching strategies that in turn  lead to more effective learning within the classroom.

This year, students also took a trip to the RBI Museum. Such trips help them develop a holistic understanding of the topics they are learning about in class. We also plan to give more emphasis on the Entrepreneurship module in Grade 3 going forward, based on the enthusiasm and interest we have seen in our students. They particularly enjoy making handicrafts and selling them to earn money, prompting larger questions about the economy and their future role in it.
We are also in the process of introducing more complex themes such as the water cycle, mapping of water bodies and even human biology into the Grade 3 curriculum. As students are growing up and absorbing information and ideas from the outer world, we find it imperative to address their questions and learn from their ideas within the classroom space.
During the pandemic, we made sure to interact and engage with our students on a one-on-one basis. During these calls, we gave them space to express themselves, their fears, their concerns and so on. This helped us create strong bonds with students despite the online mode. We also hosted Buddy Calls where 2-3 students would interact with a teacher over video call to discuss how they are spending their days etc. Once students returned to school, these bonds proved to be strong and helped them enhance their social skills and actively participate in class.
As is the approach across all classrooms in B.D. Somani, Grade 3 students are encouraged to freely interact with teachers and students from other classes as well. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing space where our children can learn and grow without being judged or feeling scared. Unlike many other schools where children feel pressurised to engage in rote learning, we want to be the wind beneath their wings and find joy in learning and discovery.
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