Child-Centric Education: The Hows and the Whys

In his newest vlog, our Head Of School, Dr Geoffrey Fisher talks about child-centric education, B.D. Somani International School’s unique approach that keeps the child at the focal point of the learning journey.

As Dr Fisher explains, this entails differentiated learning, where each child’s needs and skills are considered when devising curricula and teaching methods. It also means a values-based education, more necessary than ever in today’s polarised climate.

Curiosity, Collaboration and Courage are the three foundational values of the B.D. Somani approach. Dr Fisher expresses his pride in these values and reiterates the importance of students venturing out of their comfort zones, engaging and learning from others, and approaching every new situation or problem with a sense of inquisitiveness.

Child-centric education is also designed to ignite and sustain the young learners’ interests, no matter the subject. Dr Fisher goes on to add that professionalism is of utmost priority when it comes to delivering quality child-centric education. This means that B.D. Somani takes dedicated measures to ensure that its educators are up-to-date on the latest pedagogical methods, which enables them to bring their best to the classroom for their students. Child-centric education is also future-oriented but rooted in the past, striking a balance that enhances students’ learning journeys.

Each student has a unique pathway as they traverse through the world of B.D. Somani’s child-centric education.

Dr Fisher acknowledges the teachers’ hard work in making sure that each pathway is fulfilling, all-rounded, and, most significantly, curated to bring forth the best from each child.

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