Category: CAS

CAS – Quarter 2 students’ testimony

Yoga poses, dance moves, skills specific to a few sports, and physical fitness as part of The CAS – Quarter 2 activities at B.D. Somani helped the team come out of their comfort zone, learn a new skill, and understand the importance of fitness during a pandemic. In addition, the activities helped break screen fatigue and share knowledge making it an extraordinary session of learning and fun.

Reflections in CAS: Hamari Silai

Our Grade 11 student, Malvika Mehta, writes on the blog about our association with Hamari Silai, an NGO that helps underprivileged women on their path to financial independence.

Spotlight on Students’ CAS Project

Our students haven’t let the pandemic stand in the way of delivering meaningful CAS projects, coming up with innovative and purposeful ideas… everything from creating worksheets, reaching out to old age parents, making personalized cards and trying to solve some of the challenges arising from the pandemic.

Reflections from our Grade 11 students at Vatsalya Foundation

Our students have been volunteering at Vatsalya Foundation since 2010 as part of their CAS initiative. Here are some of our Grade 11 students talking about their experience this year where even the pandemic didn’t come in the way of their volunteering efforts.

Continuing to connect: Grade 10 at the Vatsalya Foundation

Since 2010, our students have been volunteering at Vatsalya Foundation as part of their CAS initiative. This year was no exception. The only difference from other years is that our volunteering with Vatsalya also took a digital form this year.

Reflections from the Habitat For Humanity Build program

At B.D. Somani, community service field trips are commonplace for our students and one organisation we’ve been working with for the past six years is Habitat For Humanity. This year, 36 of our students visited their Build program at the tribal school in Chafewadi, Karjat.