Category: IGCSE Program

CAIE and B.D. Somani: A true affiliation

At B.D. Somani International School we have developed a unique educational approach that seamlessly integrates international frameworks such as the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE)

Melliontikos Technologia 2023

“Mellontikos Technologia -2023” – the Design and Technology Exhibition was held on 17th May, 2023. This exhibition featured a diverse range of projects done by

Grade 8: Jaipur and Ranthambore

Our eleventh graders’ trip to Pondicherry was a melting pot of different cultures, traditions, languages, art, architecture, and beliefs! From exploring the quaint town’s peaceful lanes to conquering Gingee Fort, our students experienced it all! They also got to visit St. Thomas’ Church, Auro Ashram, and Auroville to explore religions and beliefs. And let’s not forget about the pleasant evenings watching classical dance and indulging in luxurious stays and meals. Plus, our students worked hard and offered warmth and services to the underprivileged. This school trip had everything and words cannot do justice to the quintessential experience it offered!

Welcome to the Computer Science Lab

Computer science is not just about coding. And software. And hardware. And bits and bytes. As our Grade 9 students show here, it is also about music.

Reflections: Art Exhibition

Our Grade 12 students talk about their experience putting together and participating in our Visual Arts exhibition last month.